Bay of Bandol (FRANCE)
Client : ICTP / Mairie de Bandol
Date of completion : 2022
In the purpose of the preparation of works for the coastline protection of the city of Bandol in France, Globocean has performed a diagnosis of the nearshore approaches and a study of the beaches dynamics.
The different steps of study realization are the followings :
Diagnosis of the coastline moves along the years (through satellite images) and the sea bottom changes (through bathymetric surveys)
Modelling of the offshore sea-states (software WaveWatchIII)
Wave propagation in the bay of Bandol for different swell scenarios (software SWAN)
Simulation of the wave induced currents and trends of erosion or sand accumulation for the 4 beaches of the Bay of Bandol (softwares TELEMAC 3D and SYSIPHE module)
Recommendations about protection measures to undertake for the coastline preservation